New Images of Europa from Juno’s JunoCam

Post contributed by Dr Candice J. Hansen, Planetary Science Institute, USA

On the 29th of September 2022 the Juno spacecraft, in orbit around Jupiter, made a close pass by Jupiter’s icy moon Europa (Image 1). The spacecraft approached from Europa’s night side, passed the terminator (day-night boundary), and departed on the day side, coming within ~350 km of the surface.  Juno’s visible color imager, JunoCam, snapped 4 images of Europa as the spacecraft sped by at a speed of 23.6 km/sec on its way to its closest approach to Jupiter.  In an elliptical polar orbit, this was the only opportunity in the mission for Juno to get close to this moon of Jupiter and the first time since the Galileo mission ended in 2003 that any spacecraft has flown so close. 

Image 1.  The first image taken by JunoCam is centered on the subjovian hemisphere, extending to ~60 deg north and south.  This was the highest resolution image acquired. Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS. Image processing: Brian Swift © CC BY.

Europa is categorized as an “ocean world” with a solid ice surface over a liquid water subsurface layer.  Europa is crisscrossed by numerous cracks, bands, ridges and troughs (lineaments) that record the tidal stress the moon experiences arising from the gravitational pull of Jupiter and its other moons. JunoCam’s image reveals numerous pits along the terminator.  The almost complete lack of craters tells us that geologically this icy surface is very young, resurfaced by lineament formation due to tidal flexing.  Callanish crater, one of the few imaged by JunoCam, is the circular feature visible in the lower right of Image 1.  


Martian elusive Pits and the challenge of working remotely

Post by Dr. Andreas Johnsson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Geomorphologists working with Mars share a frustration of not being able to visit their objects of investigation. To counter this, a commonly used approach is to look for environments on Earth that resemble those studied on Mars. This approach, called Earth-analogue studies, helps to guide our line of reasoning in deciphering formation mechanisms of specific martian landforms of interest. Mars, being the most earth-like planet in the solar system hosts numerous landscapes and landforms that in plan-view show remarkable similarities to known features on Earth. Especially striking examples are martian glacial flow-like features and gullies to that resemble terrestrial glaciers and fluvially-incised ravines, respectively. As a consequence their Earth counterparts have been studied with great intensity for the last couple of decades. Although correspondences in form may guide our way of thinking of plausible formative processes by reference to Earth, the approach is not without pitfalls. For example, experimental studies in Mars climate chambers have shown that fluvially triggered slope processes may be of a completely different nature under Mars’ atmospheric conditions of low pressure combined with low temperatures, but the resulting landform looks about the same. This is a problem of equifinality (i.e. convergence of form), something that also terrestrial scientists encounter but which is a major challenge in planetary geomorphology (e.g. Hauber et al. 2011; Zimbelman 2001). One way to try to minimize equifinality is by taking whole landform assemblages into account where different types of landforms may have some genetic linkages.


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