Evidence that Venus is volcanically active

Post contributed by Dr. Robert Herrick, Institute of Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks – @robertrherrick

Venus is almost the same size as Earth, but it does not presently have plate tectonics. What it has instead, and whether the way it releases internal heat has changed with time, has been the source of debate for decades. A key point of contention has been how the level of current volcanism compares to Earth. Even if all plate-tectonics related volcanism is excluded, Earth still has numerous volcanic eruptions every year at places like the large basaltic shield volcanoes of Hawaii, the Galapagos Islands, and Iceland. The Magellan mission imaged more than 40% of Venus at least twice from 1990 to 1992 with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) at resolutions of 100-200 m, but it is only in the last decade that computer hardware and software have made it possible to systematically search that data for changes with time. Recently the first detection of a surface change of a volcano during the Magellan mission was made, indicating that Venus is presently volcanically active (Herrick and Hensley, 2023).

Image 1: A) and B) show the same area on Venus as imaged by the Magellan spacecraft eight months apart in 1991; North is up. For comparing SAR images to overhead photographs, image A) can be thought of as looking at the scene from a vantage point off to the right with the sun shining from the left; in B) the vantage point is from the left and the sun is to the right. The shape of the feature labeled “Expanded Vent” has changed over the interval between images, meaning that the volcano on which the vent is perched must have erupted.


Jostling Pack Ice(ish) on Venus

Post contributed by Prof. Paul K. Byrne, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Washington University in St. Louis, USA.

Venus is a tectonically tortured world (Image 1). Vast rift systems, widespread crustal shortening, and a crumpled terrain type, tessera, collectively attest to major tectonic activity on a world only a little smaller than Earth. In places, strains are spatially distributed; in others, extension or shortening is concentrated into narrow bands. And, where these bands intersect, they define a type of tectonic deformation on Venus that hasn’t been recognised before.

Image 1: A 1,100 km-wide, false-colour radar view of Lavinia Planitia, one of the lowland regions on Venus where the lithosphere has fragmented into blocks (purple) delineated by belts of tectonic structures (yellow). Image credit: Paul K. Byrne.


Valley Networks on Venus

Posted by Dr. Goro Komatsu, IRSPS, Univ. G.d’Annunzio, Italy.  

(Re-posted from IAG Image of the Month, December, 2007)

“…excitement and pleasure in science derive not so much from achieving the final explanation as from discovering the fascinating range of new phenomena to be explained” (Baker and Komatsu, 1999).”

Networks on Venus

The Magellan spacecraft acquired SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images of venusian surfaces at a spatial resolution range of about 100 m per pixel.


Vir-Ava Chasma, Venus

Posted by Les Bleamaster, Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

(Re-posted from IAG Image of the month, July 2007)

This false color, three-dimensional perspective view over the Turan Planum of Venus shows the interaction of tectonic structures and volcanic processes along chasmata or “rifts.”


Foreground is approximately 400 km, with a vertical exaggeration of 8x.


Volcanic Regions on Venus

Posted by Les Bleamaster, Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

(Re-posted from IAG Image of the Month, May, 2007)

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images from NASA’s Magellan mission to Venus (science mission complete in 1994) show two distinctly different volcanic regions within only a few hundred kilometers of each other. venusgeo (more…)

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